阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦 (Artur Rubinstein,1887-1983):美籍波兰钢琴 演奏家。他的演奏充满炽热的情感和充沛的精力洒脱而又布局严谨,有时又 细腻而富于诗意。其演奏细腻而富于诗意,流利洒脱而又布局严谨。曲目极 为广泛,尤以演奏肖邦和勃拉姆斯的作品见长,弹奏法国和西班牙作家作品 也有其妙处。
Artur Rubinstein (Artur Rubinstein, 1887~1983): American Poland pianist. His playPlaying with passion and energy and easy and precise layout, sometimes delicate and full of poetry. Its performance is exquisite and delicatePoetic, fluent and clear layout. Music is very wide, known especially in the works of Brahms and chopin,Play the French and Spanish writers also has its beauty.
弗拉基米尔·霍洛维茨 (Vladimir Horowitz,1904-1989):美国最 负盛名的钢琴家之一,美籍俄罗斯人。他的钢琴音色如同七种基本颜色,可以 调出各种不同的色调,从而表达各式各样的思想感情。他很像一位熟练的编辑, 能把乐曲作者的“错别字、漏字”等失误加以订正,使作品达到完美无缺。 他的演奏曲目相当广泛,尤以弹奏肖邦、斯卡拉蒂以及舒曼、李斯特、斯克 里亚宾等名家的作品见长。
Vladimir Horowitz, Vladimir Horowitz, 1904~1989): the most negative one of the famous pianist, Russian American. His piano sound like seven basic colors, you can call up a variety of different colors, so as to express a wide variety of thoughts and feelings. He is like a skilled editing, music, the author of " typos, missing words" mistakes to be corrected, so that works to perfect his play quite a wide range of repertoire, especially to play Chopin, Scarlatti, Schumann, Liszt, Scriabin famous works Kyo.
威廉·肯普夫(Wilhelm Kempff 1895-1991):德国钢琴家、管风琴家、作 曲家。他是20世纪最重要的贝多芬和舒伯特钢琴音乐的演奏者之一。二战结束 后,肯普夫作为当代德国钢琴家的代表人物,成为贝多芬、舒伯特、舒曼、勃拉 姆斯钢琴作品的权威演奏家。他的演奏含蓄细腻,织体清晰,亲切高贵;音色如 歌,分句和速度自然而合理,丝毫没有矫揉造作、追求外在效果的倾向。
William Kempff (Kempff 1895~1991 Wilhelm): German pianist, composer, composer. heIs one of the most important players of Beethoven and Schubert's piano music in twentieth Century. After the end of World War II, Kempf as a contemporaryRepresentative of the German pianist, Beethoven, Schubert, Schuhmann, Brahms, the authority of the piano works. hePerformance of the subtle delicate texture clear, warm and magnificent; timbre Cantabile, clauses, and the velocity of the natural and reasonable, did not affectationThe pursuit of the external effect, artificial tendency.
伊戈尔·菲德洛维奇·斯特拉文斯基(Igor Fedorovitch Stravinsky, 1882-1971):美籍俄国作曲家、指挥家和钢琴家,西方现代派音乐的重 要人物。他是现代主义音乐的重要代表之一,其创作大致可分三个时期:俄 罗斯风格时期、新古典主义时期、序列主义时期。
Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (Fedorovitch Stravinsky Igor, 1882~1971):Russian American composer, conductor and pianist, an important figure in western modern music. He is an important modern music.On behalf of one of its creation can be divided into three periods: the Russian style, the new classical period, the period of the sequence.
理查·斯特劳斯(Richard Strauss,1864—1949年):德国作曲家、指 挥家。斯特劳斯的创作重点在交响乐曲和歌剧方面,《麦克白》、《查拉图斯 特拉如是说》、《英雄的生涯》、歌剧《莎士美》、《厄勒克特拉》、三幕喜 歌剧《玫瑰骑士》。斯特劳斯的音乐以其华丽的色彩,新颖的配器技巧和生动 的音乐形象而著称。他的创作丰富了浪漫派的音乐词汇,提高了管弦乐的表现 手法,因而在晚期浪漫派音乐发展史上占有重要地位。
Richard Strauss (Richard Strauss, 1864~1949): German composer, conductor. MunsterRouth's works focus on symphony and opera, "Macbeth," Thus Spoke Zarathustra "," heroThe career "," beauty ", " opera Shashi, "Electra three act comic opera" Der rosenkavalier. Strauss's voiceMusic with its gorgeous colors, novel orchestration techniques and vivid music image is known. His writing is rich in romantic Music vocabulary, improve the performance of the tube string, and thus play an important role in the history of the development of the late romantic music.
卡米尔·圣-桑( Cammille Saint-Saens,1835—1921):法国人,钢 琴、管风琴演奏家。法国民族音乐协会的创始人之一。作品数量超几乎涉及每 个音乐领域,旋律流畅,和声典雅,结构工整,配器华丽,色彩丰富, 通俗 易懂。他的作品对法国乐坛及后世带来深远的影响,重要的作品有《动物狂 欢节》、《骷髅之舞》、《参孙与大利拉》等 。
Camille San sang (Saint-Saens Cammille, 1835~1921):Frenchman, piano, organ player.French National Music Association, one of the founders of the work of the number of ultra almost every field of music, melody flowSmooth, harmony and elegant, neat structure, gorgeous orchestration, rich colors, easy to understand. His works of French music andI have a profound effect, important works of "animal Carnival", "skeleton dance", "Samson and Delilah".
莫里斯·拉威尔(MauriceRavel,1875-1937):著名的法国作曲家, 印象派作曲家的最杰出代表之一。他喜爱喷射出五彩缤纷,光彩夺目的人造 烟火,喜爱富于诗意的洪亮的声响。代表作品《达芙妮与克罗埃》,《鹅 妈妈》,《茨冈》《波莱罗舞曲》。
Morris Rave (MauriceRavel, 1875~1937): the famous French composer, Impressionist composer One of the most outstanding representatives. He is fond of ejecting the dazzling fireworks a riot of colours, artificial, like poetic loudSound. The representative works of the "Daphne and Chloe", "mother goose", "Gypsy" "Bolero".
爱德华·格里格(Edvard Grieg,1843-1907):挪威作曲家,19世纪 下半叶挪威民族乐派代表人物。他的创作作品有百余首抒情独唱曲,钢琴曲 《祖国之歌》,合唱《水手之歌》、 《乡土在望》。许多作品都以鲜明的民族 情调表达了维护民族尊严和争取独立的愿望,适应了当时挪威历史发展的潮流, 具有一定的历史进步意义。
Edward Greg (Edvard Grieg, 1843 ~ 1907): Norway composer, the second half of the nineteenth Century Norway peopleFamily school representatives. His works have hundreds of lyric piano solo, "the motherland song", the chorus of "seamanSong "," local "in sight. Many works have expressed the desire to maintain national dignity and strive for independence with a bright national sentiment, Has adapted to the historical development trend of Norway at that time, it has a certain historical significance.